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    Located just 100 kilometres from Ho Chi Minh City, Vung Tau is an easy seaside getaway from the bustling capital of South Vietnam. The old Cape Saint Jacques reveals pleasant beaches, a beautiful gastronomy turned towards the sea, some interesting local curiosities and a hotel offering quality. Vung Tau is also the embarkation point for the fabulous Con Dao archipelago.

    The history of Cap Saint Jacques

    After 4 weeks of sailing on the steamers, the Cap Saint Jacques was the first thing the passengers saw from Indochina. A strategic point and garrison town, the Cap Saint Jacques became a seaside resort for the French in 1905. Saigon settlers liked to go there on weekends to enjoy the sea air, escape the bustle of the city and take advantage of the seaside pleasures. A century later, Cap Saint Jacques was renamed Vung Tau but the Saigonians do the same and every weekend the seaside resort sees many Vietnamese families come to relax, take a breath of fresh air, a good sea bath and escape the noise and mopeds of Saigon.

    The vestiges of the French presence

    As you stroll through the streets of Vung Tau, you will see some vestiges of the French presence such as the "Villa Blanche" built for Governor General Paul Doumer in 1898, the lighthouse whose original mechanism is still in service, and was provided by the famous Lepaute house in Paris, the former colonial army buildings and the church.

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