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  • Tive uma excelente experiência com a Izitour. Ajudaram-me com o meu pedido de visto não uma, mas duas vezes, e o serviço foi sempre impecável. Um agradecimento especial a Huy...
    Malika Ouaddah
    Malika Ouaddah
    30 Ago, 2024
  • Esta agência é a perfeição absoluta! Cortês, pontual, precisa e... maravilhosamente rápida a responder a todas as nossas perguntas, estritamente via Whatsapp! Em tempo real! Um sonho! Perguntem pelo Sr. Hung, ele...
    Franco Bortolini
    Franco Bortolini
    30 Ago, 2024
  • A Izitour prestou um excelente serviço, adaptando-se às nossas necessidades para uma viagem a Sapa a partir de Hanói, num grupo privado de 4 pessoas com um guia francófono....
    Gilles Moizan
    Gilles Moizan
    28 Ago, 2024
  • Profissionais muito sérios, acompanharam-nos desde o planeamento da viagem até ao nosso regresso a casa para esta maravilhosa aventura familiar com os nossos filhos. A viagem ao Vietname e ao...
    Carla  Ottone
    Carla Ottone
    26 Ago, 2024
  • Muito boa organização. Reservámos um cruzeiro de última hora na Baía de Ha Long. A consultora foi muito prestável quando fizemos a reserva e estava muito disponível para nos orientar....


    Hue, the former royal capital of the Nguyen Lords, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is one of Vietnam's most attractive destinations. The last royal capital of Vietnam has quickly become a must-see for its formidable historical heritage as well as for its divine gastronomy and all the tourist interests offered by the poetic city of Hue.

    The fascinating history of Hue

    In the past, Hue was a large and very active trading port that had regular trade with China and Japan as evidenced by the many examples of pottery from these countries found in Hue. It was not until 1802 that Emperor Gia Long chose Hue as the imperial capital of a reunified Vietnam. A choice motivated by a remarkable natural setting that subtly combined oriental philosophy and Vietnamese geomancy. The Imperial City of Hue was built throughout the 19th century but would suffer for a long time from the vicissitudes of history. It was, in turn, largely destroyed by the French in 1885 and then the Vietminh in 1947, after having lost its status as an imperial city two years earlier, and would experience more than 30 days of intense fighting between the American army and the Vietnamese People's Army during the Tet offensive. Recovering from its wounds, Hue welcomes you today with nobility to make you discover all its cultural, natural and gastronomic treasures.

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