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  • Tive uma excelente experiência com a Izitour. Ajudaram-me com o meu pedido de visto não uma, mas duas vezes, e o serviço foi sempre impecável. Um agradecimento especial a Huy...
    Malika Ouaddah
    Malika Ouaddah
    30 Ago, 2024
  • Esta agência é a perfeição absoluta! Cortês, pontual, precisa e... maravilhosamente rápida a responder a todas as nossas perguntas, estritamente via Whatsapp! Em tempo real! Um sonho! Perguntem pelo Sr. Hung, ele...
    Franco Bortolini
    Franco Bortolini
    30 Ago, 2024
  • A Izitour prestou um excelente serviço, adaptando-se às nossas necessidades para uma viagem a Sapa a partir de Hanói, num grupo privado de 4 pessoas com um guia francófono....
    Gilles Moizan
    Gilles Moizan
    28 Ago, 2024
  • Profissionais muito sérios, acompanharam-nos desde o planeamento da viagem até ao nosso regresso a casa para esta maravilhosa aventura familiar com os nossos filhos. A viagem ao Vietname e ao...
    Carla  Ottone
    Carla Ottone
    26 Ago, 2024
  • Muito boa organização. Reservámos um cruzeiro de última hora na Baía de Ha Long. A consultora foi muito prestável quando fizemos a reserva e estava muito disponível para nos orientar....


    Capital of the Mekong Delta and rice granary of South Vietnam, Can Tho is an excellent base to discover the fascinating Mekong Delta region, its hectic local life on the arms of the river, the surprising floating markets, its typical villages and its hypnotic countryside with huge rice fields as far as the eye can see.

    Discover the floating markets of Can Tho

    This is often the reason why travelers go to Can Tho: to discover its extraordinary floating markets, typical of the Mekong Delta region. The capital of the delta is home to no less than three floating markets, each of which will tickle your curiosity.

    - The floating market of Cai Rang is the most famous and largest in Can Tho and even in the whole Mekong Delta. It is located on the Cai Rang River, near the Cai Rang Bridge, about 6 kilometres from downtown Can Tho. The British tourist magazine Rough Guide made no mistake and recently selected it as one of the ten "most attractive floating markets in the world". Cai Rang floating market has also been recognized as a national intangible cultural heritage site in the year 2016. Every day, before dawn, hundreds of boats of different sizes gather to trade. Can Tho market is a wholesale market, specializing in the sale of fruits and vegetables. Many small producers come to sell their crops to wholesalers who will then go elsewhere in the Mekong Delta. Some small retailers also come with their small boats to stock up and then sell the goods in the surrounding villages. You can tell what the boats are selling by the merchandise hanging from the pole at the bow. You'll explore this incredible floating market in a motorized sampan as you'll sneak through the hustle and bustle.

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