Unforgettable Private tour - Northern Vietnam

Dau Thi Huynh

We have always travelled on our own, doing our research before heading out to our destination, never relying on a tour guide. However, we are glad that we booked a private tour with Izitour. First, IMO, the Ha Giang Loop should only be driven by experienced local drivers, the looping roads and narrow path leading to small ethnic groups villages are difficult to navigate, for your safety and the others on the road, leave it to the locals. Secondly, having a tour guide will save you time and energy on the travel logistics: lodging, travel distances, food safety, local custom taboos, etc… (Thank you Lien for taking care of the mundane part for us) not everything you need to know will be found on the internet when travelling to non-touristy remote area.

Our amazing guide Zonie was the perfect guide for us, he was able to cater to our group preferences that diverged from a teenager to middle aged couple and one elderly. I was very impressed by his keen sense of observation to pin down our food preferences, activities and habits without us having to point it out, he basically tailored the trip to our needs and likes, to ensure we were having a great time. Zonie often went out of his way to ensure that we get to see unexpected sights along the way; As we trekked through the small indigenous village, we were introduced to a galore of local food, flora and fauna, wondrous sceneries, on top of learning about the local customs/lifestyle and architecture of the different indigenous groups.

A note of caution, we have chosen to “live like a local” style, however if indoor plumbing is a must for you, mention if to Izitour as some WCs on the road are just “hole in the ground”.

In short, I would recommend this tour and Zonie as a guide for a successful “bucket list” checkmark, unforgettable memories, and the privilege to meet people who’s mission is to see you smile under their care.

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